Friday, June 5, 2009

God created all men equal...

So I am coming close to finish up my first week here in Africa. The time here has been remarkable because its such a great experience filled with God, great people, and I'm learning more about myself everyday. Things are different here than the US. For instance when driving there are no lanes to be in ...kind of you drive where-ever and people beep here to let you know they are near..beeping is not a rude gesture and also for taxi's there are motorcycles and we have seen atleast 5 people on one motorcycle. Pretty neat. Today, I went to a Lebanese grocery store. The store had name brand items from the UK or America but very expensive. For example, Herbal Essence is 9 dollars here. Corrie bought me a candy bar that taste a lot like Dove chocolate. It was really good. The people I am living with are very cool as well. I am living with a family of 5. Chris Ramos, his wife, and 3 boys under the age of 10. Chris is on staff at b2B in cincy! They are a very neat family. Then there are the interns who are very older than me. There are two from Michigan and two from Iowa and then me representing NC! All of them have graduated from college which makes me the youngin! Which is cool to hear from their expericenes and learn from them as well. A couple of days ago we visited a hopsital and serves as a hospital and orphanage. The kids have TB or suffer from other illnesses. It was very neat seeing a simple hospital. They actually just got a ultra sound machine and a few other necessary items to make their help more accessible. The nurse was so excited to see us. The hopstial made me sad though knowing that most African children may never see a doctor. We also got to visit a store that is Christian place called Gideon Beige(might be spelled wrong) and this a store/house where widows make skirts and other items for sale and the profits go back to them to help them carry on in their lives. The building the are in use to be a place for horrible things such as sexual things. Its neat to see how God is working in this small of a place like Jos. There are actually lots of missionary people in this area trying to help these people out. The dress code is mostly strict as well. Girls mostly have to wear skirts down to their knees. Another cool thing we did was climb this somewhat mountain that is made up of boulders. We climbed for about an hour through rocks, up rocks, in between rocks, and saw monkeys! the view was breathtaking at the top. We then climbed down and went to downtown Jos. It wasn't that big but it was exciting and had tons of people. The place is filled with people selling things from strollers, to toasters, to fruit, and much more. We had ice cream at a local place. It was pretty good even though I'm not that big of a fan of ice cream. Nigeria is really neat and exciting. tomorrow we are cleaning the whole campus to get ready for our first group to come on Monday. they are from Eastern Kentucky University. Tomorrow I'm getting up to run at the school where corrie and Johns kids attend at 6am. Woo so early but so worth it! Funny, tonight we had sloppy joes for dinner! haha I thought it was funny and french fries with baked beans. Pretty american! Tomorrow we are going out to a resutrant to eat some real Nigerian food. Next week, we will spend more time in the village where B2B plans to build their property and hang out with the kids more. the kids are so lively and they attach to you in seconds. I am also learning a bit of Nigerian words to bring back to the states. I wish I could post some pictures on here but I can't download right now. Another interesting thing is that nigeria is in its rainy season so it rains everyday and it rains a it rained all morning and then cleared up. God is doing some amazing ministry things here. God is helping build relationships, providing finanically, and showing the people here who serve what the Lord's love is all about. Serving these orphaned children is really serving the Lord. Because we are all the Lords children and should look after each other. We did a bible study up on top of the mountain we climbed and one sentence struck me "all men were created equal in the eyes of God...the men in the slums are the same as the men who reside in the rich houses" in God's eyes we are equal and should continue to spread the love of Jesus in us all. I hope the states are treating everyone great! This is an incredible post because its so long and filled with so much information but I wanted to share all of the important information. Seeing the hopsital, playing with the kids, reaching the top of a boulder mountain, and seeing God's love all around me is making me change from the inside out.

Hebrews 13: 8
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Love God, love People!


  1. Tina, thanks so much for directing me to your blog. I absolutely love reading your updates. You are such an encourgament and example for me. I am so excited to read about how God is working in you and through you!
    Love you!

  2. wow what cool things you are doing and experiencing! but i dont believe you really saw a monkey... maybe it was just john jumping around on the rocks! and if they have good animals there... well just remember where you rode your first indoor cow! ok miss you but love on some people there for me please!

