Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Teachers are great gifts...

This week has marked the week of teaching at the children's home. I never thought teaching was so hard(and I took Teacher Cadet in High school) untill now. Its actually not that hard finding material to teach but its the teaching process of getting the kids to understand. We took the children's home to library (the library where the missionaries kids go too) and they had a blast but it was the longest two hours. The kids had to find a book on their animal they were reseraching, what it looked like, where it lived, and read a book on it. Plus, coloring as well. We then took them to the librarian's house(the library is on a big compound where the teachers stay and the school is located there) and the librarian had a pet monkey. That was pretty neat and makes me want to steal a monkey from here to take home. Don't think my parents would be a big fan of that and also monkeys poop way too much for me. Also, today we went to the 2nd part of the village we work with. Played with the kids like soccer, blowing bubbles, and passing out lolli-pops. We also got to meet one of the cheifs of the village. From my understanding the cheifs are somewhat like our system on commisnor, mayor, governor and so therefore we met one of the commisoners. The saying is that if we ever meet the head chief of the WHOLE village we are not allowed to shake his hand, look at him, or anything because it is showing disrepect but it was neat to be welcomed by atleast on the cheifs. He was very grateful for us being there and told us to move to Jos to live. So this week has been exciting and but frustrating. Tomorrow we are going to the children's home and then going to a local Hopstial we work with that serves as a hostpital and a children's home.

Romans 12:1-18

BTW here is a bit of Hausa langauge for you "Batori" means white person. Add that to your vocab of the day.


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