Sunday, June 28, 2009

Breathing in...

Our teaching finally came to end on Friday. The kids did their presentations and everything went great. The best part is that I believe the kids really did learn something from what we were teaching. We then rewarded them with projecting the movie Madasgcar with popcorn and organge juice. We then went swimming in a pool at a hotel. The hotel was very similar to a nice Family Holiday Inn. The pool water was freezing but once we got in it was better. I finally got a tan or better than what I had or atleast evened out my farmers tan. We ate-out at the hotel and the food was okay. What I got was okay untill I found a questionable meat product in it. The rest of our group liked their food but were in tears because the food was so spicy. I think the people here sometimes put more spice on our food(as a joke) to see how much we can take till our eyes water.(makes me laugh though) Our day off was yesterday and for our time we went hiking again at Sherry Hills. We went there a few weeks back but couldn't make it to the top of the mountain of boulders. Well yesterday we made it to the top. It was a work out though. When we first went not a lot of the grass had grown but since then the grass, shrubs, and weeds have grown a lot. After going through small caves, climbing over rocks, touching lots of monkey poop, and feeling the sweat on my back coming through my shirt we made it to the top. There was one point when we were climbing through two rocks and I was really scared because for one I didn't wanna get stuck or have a animal come out from a hole and have no way out. When we got to the top it was the most beautiful site ever. If you can imagine way back when in the movie Lion King when the King lion walks out on that rock well thats what we were standing on. It was a huge rock sticking out looking out on the land. We had some great PB and J sandwhiches up there too. Yum! And we were going to try to climb higher but saw that some birds were nesting there and pretty much warned us that if we got any higher that they would be stopping us. The climb was great though. Getting to the top was wonderful. I think the most beautiful thing about Nigeria is climning these rocks and just seeing the wonderful city of Jos. Its just beautiful. I've been to Kenya and seen how beautiful it is but here its just different in how pretty it is. Dont get me wrong because both countries are out of this world beautiful. After that climb we had some yummy home-made lasgna. Probably one of the best meals all week. Today, we went to church at the village. One of the village little girls remebered my name which was great. Its always awkward re-intorudcing yourself to someone or atleast I think so. After church I was hanging out with some of the young girls and I thought I was speaking pretty good Hausea to one of the elders but the girls started laughing at me. The church provided us Americans a mineral(a soda) to basically say thanks for being part of the church.(or more or less a gift for coming ...kind of like when you have a guest in your american church and you give them a bible or something) Made all of us feel guilty drinking in front of all these people who never get to drink a mineral. Seceretly, we gave some of them away to the children. It was a great honor though to be thought of so highly. The preacher wanted us to pray for rain. I think it rains a lot here but I guess since I'm not a farmer I do not know how much rain is needed. But, today it did rain. Shows the grace of God and when the people cry for help the Lord will answer. After we went to church we went out to eat at a local resurant. The food was great but it takes forever to get it. It took atleast an hour. We then went to the "grocery store" so the Gukenbergers could pick up some things for their family. Its been made a joke by some of the guys here to point out all the guys here who get off their motorcycles to go to the bathroom. (motorcycles are the taxi of Jos and all the taxi's are driven by men) so when the man must pee he gets off and goes right in front of everyone. Life is always made simple here! Ha! anyways the guys here think its funny to point out and makes me think and say "only in nigeria".

This is the start of my last week in Nigeria. It's a bummer because I could stay much longer. So pray for great times to come here, lots of fun, and making goodbyes not seem like it will be a goodbye forever.

Galatians 5:16
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 17 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Let the freedom of Christ set your soul free and let yourself be led by the spirit today.

For all girls out there-a book suggestion-read "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers(if you like that cheesy rommance novel)

1 comment:

  1. I love cheesy romance novels, and I love Redeeming Love. Funny because I also love you. The wedding is over and I have returned from my two week travel west with 150 high school students. Praying so hard for you and can't wait to see you! We will talk as soon as you get home and hopefully be able to grab some grub with Al and Ash before we all head off in different directions again. Have SO MUCH FUN your last week and remember that alot of people here love and are praying for you! Miss you!

